Assuming you have a solid rewards credit card, you should be earning as many points as possible for every dollar you spend. The best way to get into the points game is to earn points the lazy way. Once you take the minute to sign up, you’re done! Here are our top 3 ways to …
One picture that inspired a visit What: Ranthambore National Park is one of the largest national parks in India. A former royal hunting ground, it is home to crocodiles, leopards, and Bengal tigers (one of the best places in India to see these animals in their natural habitat)! Its landmarks include the hilltop, 10th-century …
I often get asked, “should I use points for xyz?” First, you have to understand how much a point is worth. Points valuations depend on how much value you get from redeeming them. However, there is no straight answer because everyone redeems points at different values. Some people are just better at redeeming points than …
One picture that inspired a visit What: Paro Taktsang (“The Tiger’s Nest”) is a sacred Himalayan Buddhist site. Its temple complex is located in the cliffside 900 meters above the Paro valley in Bhutan.
There is a 100% chance we get sick on this trip. My bets are on India. In fact, Ben has gotten sick on every trip that we have taken since college with the exception of Japan. Remember Peru, Ben? Don’t forget about Morocco (hey, Jacob)! My personal favorite was Cambodia (shout out to Vittor).
Another question we often get asked is, “how the hell are you packing for this trip?” It wasn’t easy to pack for all types of weather and destinations, but we started with a few rules for packing:
Travel hacking can be completely overwhelming and confusing at best. While we find travel blogs interesting, most people we know have full-time jobs and don’t want to spend their time reading cryptic blog posts and figuring out how to follow the advice. Our goal for “the points game” is to simplify the process (using the …
One picture that inspired a visit What: Trolltunga (“the troll’s tongue”) is a spectacular scenic cliff situated about 1,100 metres above sea level and hovering into free air 700 metres above Lake Ringedalsvatnet.
Ben and I had a lot of opinions about where we should go on our long-term trip. He wanted to rent an apartment and live in a small European town for a month or two, and I wanted to hike all over the world. In the end, we blended our bucket lists together and built …